Straight Family Man Prefers To Wear Skirts And Heels As He Believes ‘Clothes Have No Gender’

Mark Bryan, a robotics engineer, has been married for 11 years and has a daughter. He identifies as straight and opts for unconventional attire. Bryan, an American residing in Germany, rejects the notion that fashion should be gender-specific. Whether at work or elsewhere, it is not uncommon to see Bryan in a skirt and heels on any given day.

Bryan expressed his dissatisfaction with the limited options available for men’s fashion, particularly in office attire. Men’s pants are predominantly available in a few colors such as black, gray, dark blue, and the occasional pinstripe, with limited cuts to choose from.

The fashionable dresser holds the belief that if women have the freedom to wear pants, men should also have the liberty to wear skirts and dresses. Bryan appreciates the variety of styles, patterns, and colors that skirts offer, unlike the limited options in men’s clothing.

Bryan likes to blend traditional gender styles by opting for masculine clothing on his upper body, such as a blazer and tie, and feminine clothing on the lower half, often choosing a pencil skirt and four-inch heels.

Bryan has no issue wearing high heels. He initially acquired the skill when his college girlfriend requested him to wear high heels while dancing with her in order to be on the same level. They kept up this practice for more than a year.

Bryan refuses to allow stereotypes or preconceived notions to hinder his expression through fashion. He boldly defies expectations and does so with confidence. Continue reading to discover Bryan’s insights regarding his style choices.

Bryan has a distinct preference for his clothing style. In an interview with Bored Panda, he expressed his belief that clothing should not be restricted by gender. He stated that he favors skirts over dresses because they allow him to mix genders. Bryan prefers a “masculine” appearance for the upper body and a non-gendered appearance for the lower body, emphasizing his view that clothing should be free from gender constraints.

He went on to say: “I can recall a time when girls were not allowed to wear pants in school due to gender norms. However, nowadays, pants are considered unisex clothing. Therefore, why can’t skirts and heels also be considered non-gendered? It’s worth noting that historically, men actually wore heels before women did. While the style may have evolved over time, the concept of men wearing heels is not a new one.”

Bryan is accurate in his assessment. High heels have a rich history that dates back centuries. While the exact origin of high heels remains uncertain to historians and archaeologists, they have been in existence since at least the 10th century. Interestingly, high heels were initially worn for practical purposes rather than as a fashion statement. The Persian cavalry, for example, utilized boots with heels known as kalash or galesh to facilitate keeping their feet secure in stirrups. This practicality is also why cowboy boots feature a small heel!

Owning a horse symbolized affluence, making high-heeled boots a luxury only accessible to wealthy individuals. The popularity of these footwear gradually extended throughout Europe, establishing high heels as a status symbol among affluent nobles and merchants. Interestingly, even the pope adopted high heels as a fashion statement following the Great Schism of the Christian Church in the 11th century.

Fashion began to evolve only after many centuries had passed. In the 18th century, Europe started to address cultural issues regarding gender distinctions and discussions on appropriate attire for men and women emerged. This period marked the emergence of the notion that fashion is frivolous and effeminate, something that “real men” should not concern themselves with. As a result of these shifting attitudes, men gradually stopped wearing high heels, deeming them impractical and unnecessary accessories.

Bryan exemplifies the resurgence of high-heels as a fashionable choice for men. Despite advocating for this trend, the engineer acknowledges that his choice may raise eyebrows. He likens his fashion statement to individuals who opt for vibrant hair colors. He elaborated:

Consider an individual with vibrant green hair. Such a hair color is certainly unconventional. Upon noticing this person, your mind registers the distinctive green hair, prompting thoughts of peculiarity or intrigue. Subsequently, you return to your previous activities, dismissing the encounter from your mind. I contend that this reaction parallels the way individuals respond when they observe me wearing a skirt and heels.

Bryan effortlessly finds skirts and heels that fit him well. His skirt size is 8, and with smaller feet compared to most men, his heel size is 8.5. For those men interested in trying out skirts and heels, Bryan recommends beginning with a lower heel to gradually adjust to walking in high heels.

Please share your thoughts on Mark Bryan’s fashion choices. Are you aware of any men who would be willing to experiment with wearing high heels? Feel free to share your opinions and pass this message on to your friends and family.

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